Rekindling Relationships
Rekindling Relationships is a podcast for couples, singles and parents who want to strengthen and bring more fun into their partnerships as well as create more loving, healthy and strong connections. We explore all the important and difficult topics relevant to relating such as; Intimacy, Communication, Mental Health, Blended Families and dealing with Differences. Bec and Vern live and love in Bendigo, Victoria with their blended family of four teenage children.

Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Bec and Vern complete the 7 stages of a Relationship with the final one Stage 7, Completion. This is the stage of mature intimacy and deep connection for couples who have successfully navigated the last 6 stages. This is when we have plenty of time for each other and know each other well. How do we set ourselves up for enjoying our golden age together in the future? How do we make love last?
Check out our website or socials to find out more:

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
In this series based on 7 Issues of Intimacy, Bec and Vern begin by exploring Sexual Dissatisfaction. We talk about what it is and how we can deal with it. Do you feel like there is something missing or doesn’t feel right in your relationship? Do you feel like you are not getting your needs met? How can we feel more sexually satisfied with our partner and in our relationship?
Check out our website or socials to find out more:

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Continuing on with 7 issues of Intimacy, Bec and Vern discuss Sexual Disconnection and how this impacts our relationships. Withdrawing, lack of sex and romance, avoidance and rejection are all issues to do with disconnection. What creates this disconnection and how can we take responsibility to fix this and grow our relationship?
Check out our website or socials to find out more:

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
In the 3rd of our episodes relating to issues of intimacy, Bec and Vern explore sexual disapproval. This disapproval can come from dissatisfaction and disconnection, which can then lead to distrust and shame. How common is it and what can we do about it in our relationships? How does the feeling of expectation attached to sex create issues around this? Why do we need to communicate more about where we are at to counter this?
Check out our website or socials to find out more:

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Bec and Vern discuss issues of intimacy around sexual disappointment. This can look like routine or one sided sex or even disconnected sex. How do couples deal with a mismatch in their sexual drives? How do we deal with issues around performance? We discuss how drugs, alcohol and stress can affect our libidos and what sort of conversations we need to have to move forward together.
Check out our website or socials to find out more:

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Another issue with intimacy is sexual disinterest and in this episode Bec and Vern talk about how this can impact our relationships. How does parenting, work and busy lifestyles influence our sexual desires and what can we do about it? How do we deal with the pressures in our lives to reconnect with each other? How do we prioritise our relationship so that we can enjoy sex more?
Check out our website or socials to find out more:

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Bec and Vern consider what causes another issue with intimacy, sexual disagreement. In this episode, we explore what these disagreements are and how they can begin. How do these disputes affect our relationships and how do we deal with them? How can we move past the conflict that inevitably occurs in partnership with another?
Check out our website or socials to find out more:

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
The final episode in our series about issues with intimacy focusses more on the medical problems that can occur in relationships. Bec and Vern discuss how couples can deal with the psychological and physical impacts relating to sexual dysfunction that can interfere with our connection. What are the problems that can occur and how do we support each other to stay close and deal with these issues? How can we be intimate without being intimate?
Check out our website or socials to find out more:

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Have you ever been to Couples Counselling or therapy? Do you feel it helped you in your relationship? Would you like to find a fun and different way to connect with your partner? In this Podcast, Bec and Vern have a chat with a couple from Bendigo who participated in one of their creative workshops. After exposing their fears to each other by writing them on a wall, we supported Ayrlea and Kayla to create a mural over these fears to demonstrate their new understanding of each other.
Also check out the YouTube video of this workshop -
Check out our website to find out more about us and what we do:
or find us on our socials:

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
In this first episode of this series - 7 Phases of Blended/Step families, Bec and Vern discuss the fantasy phase where everything is new and exciting and nothing can possibly go wrong. How do we recognize this phase as well as realise that it is a dream? How do we prepare for the reality?
Check out our website to find out more about us and what we do:
or find us on our socials: